Final tomorrow! Yikes! Study time!
* What makes sunsets red? Answer: Light scatters in particles
· Allotropes? Answer: Different forms of an element ex. graphite, diamond, buckmisterfluorine, soot
· Covalent bonds (vs. ionic bonds)? Answer: Covalent bonds share electrons while ionic bonds are magnetically attracted to each other. Covalent bonds are stronger.
· Carbon has four covalent bonds: draw them for CH4 or C2H6 Answer: (see paper)
· Which are the lowest energy electromagnetic rays? Answer: Infrared (heat)
· Photosynthesis is the opposite of respiration. What are the products of each? Answer: Respiration releases CO2, but Photosynthesis takes in CO2
· What is the atmosphere made of? Answer: Nitrogen 78%, Oxygen 20 something, Argon, Neon. Clouds and other particles.
· What is 1 atmosphere of pressure at sea level? Answer: At sea level it is called 1 atmosphere less than 1 in the mountains. There is more air pressure at sea level.
· Define isomers. Answer: same molecular formula, but different structrue.
· Explain separating compounds through Distillation by different boiling points: Answer: elements/compounds all have different boiling points.
· What is in rainwater that makes it acidic? Answer: CO2
· Define CFC’s and what they do to promote global warming. Answer: CFCs are from old air conditioners and fridges. They promote global warming because they destroy the ozone layer.
· How does carbon dioxide affect global warming? Answer: because of CO2 the planet's temperature could rise.
· Hydrocarbon boiling points increase as the number of carbon atoms increase. Why? Answer:
· What produces CO2 and what uses it? Answer: Photosynthesis uses CO2 and respiration produces it.
· What is carbon monoxide (CO) and how is it produced? Answer: CO is a harmful compound and it is produced when the reaction of burning methane does not have enough oxygen to fully combust so it makes carbon monoxide.
· Define a catalyst. Is it used up in a reaction? Answer: Speeds up a reaction.
· Define fractional distillation and what it’s used for. Answer: Used for refining oil.
· How much garbage does the average person create per day? Answer: 4-7 pounds
· What byproducts come from manufacturing processes? Answer: use up resources, cause some pollution, pure zinc goes to zinc oxide so it is less useful for example.
· Kinetic vs. potential vs. chemical energy Answer: Kinetic is motion, potential has the potential to move, and chemical has the potential to move (in a chemical way)
· Why doesn’t an upside down jar lower into water easily? (air) Answer: Air has actually volume so it cannot squish down.
· What does it mean to “use up” chemicals? Answer:
· Altitude is related to pressure. High altitude = less pressure
· Molarity is solution concentration
· Kjoules measure energy
· When we extract a metal from an ore, are we oxidizing or reducing it? Answer: reducing as we purify it.